Day 99 | Camp at km 1126

20 January 2023 | 24°C | 23km

Hey Richmonds, another chance for you to make an impression. Up to more I am not that excited!

The morning on the ridge is pretty windy so we head down for breakfast to the next hut in 3km (Upper Weirau). It’s downhill but not an easy stroll as we thought: hard to see the trail and a lot of rocks in the way. Not good if you are not a morning person anyway, we both swear and get a bit into a bad mood. A lot of people still hanging out at the hut once we get there wondering where we come from so early in the morning.

It’s further downhill after breakfast though the terrrain is pretty “technical” : a lot of rocks and roots, river crossings, earth slips and … wasps! They live in fallen trees and there a quite a few in this section. Luckily we make it to the next hut without getting stung.

A lot of swimming holes on the way and we jump into on before starting a bigger climb in the afternoon. No bigger saddle or pass just a steady up for northbounders that might not be noticed by southbounders.

Tarn hut is a lovely place at a small lake and as we are the only ones when stopping there, we think hard if we want to stay or continue. If we want to have the chance to get out to Nelson we still have to do a few kilometers, we reckon.

I put on my headphones to listen to an audiobook which makes walking easier sometimes and after a couple of hours there it is: a small sheltered spot with ocean views. Our camp for the night!


Day 98 | Camp at km 1105


Day 100 | Over the Rintouls and all the way down to Aniseed Valley