Day 15 | Ngunguru
28 October 2022 | 21°C | 22Km
Yummy start into the day with a cappuccino from the beach store, followed by a walk over the “longest footbridge in the southern hemisphere” to Wananaki South. The morning is a stunning walk along the coast with lots of sandy bays and beautiful houses along the coast.
A lovely walk. Unfortunately, we are back to road by lunchtime. I really get angry and wonder why we have not walked further along the coast. It would most probably also have been a road walk, but at least with more enjoyable views than in the back country. I swear that I would make my own trail from now on. My mood lightens up once we break for lunch with a coffee and big bread of Nutella. Even more happier when I find out when looking at Google maps that there is a shortcut to Ngunguru, our destination for today.
Another mood booster in the afternoon is when we meet two ladies on mountain bikes who confirm that there will be burgers and beers at the Ngunguru store from where we would take the boat to the other side of the river. We arrive there by 4h30pm have some burgers and beers and text the boat guy to take us over. Though we had spoken with him earlier, he does not answer so we decide to go to the backpackers campground in town. Just as we are about to finish setting up our tents, James, the boat driver, calls to suggest to take us over. We quickly pack up to have a “night ride” to the other side of the river.