Day 57 | Taipo Hut

11 December 2022 | 16°C | 29km

Rays of sunshine outside! We hang all of our damp clothes, tents, raincoats on a tree in the sun and start preparing breakfast when a big cloud suddenly covers all sunlight. Damn! It instantly feels much colder anc uncomfy and I have no motivation to get going really.

I start whining and sit down for a few minutes by the lake. Maybe the biggest problem is expectations management? Everyone says it is going to be summer and hot soon but it does not seem to happen yet. Would I hike in Sweden, I would most probably not be surprised by the weather and still be able to enjoy it.

Hmmmm … It’s going to be a walk along the lake for roughly 10km and eventually the sun will find its way through the clouds. It’s dawns on me that once summer is here it van be easily too hot 🥵 🤪 Once we pass Boundary Hut, we decide to push through to Taipo Hut as planned though the sign says it would be another 4-5 hrs. An indication that the terrain is not that easy. 13 km can usually be done in 2.5 hrs with the current elevation profile.

We are both struggling a bit on the way but are rewarded with an empty hut all for ourselves once we get there at 8h30pm after another long day.


Day 56 | Mavora South Lake


Day 58 | Greenstone Car Park