Day 54 | Aparima Hut
7 December 2022 | 20°C | 23km
There is a little blue hole in the clouds when I squint out of the tent in the morning. The first signs of a lovely day! It starts with a steep climb though from about 600m elevation up to almost 1000m but it’s an uphill I enjoy … and a good preparation for the big mountains I guess?
As always, it is straight up, no switchbacks. Simply following the red poles that seem to wave from above on the way. We have great views to the hills back to where we came from. Very rewarding to see how much to terrain we have covered in the past three days.
Downhill on the other side through some forest and we quickly reach Lower Wairaki Hut, the perfect spot for lunch and drying socks. I can’t remember the last time I just lay on the grass in the sun. Love it!
Michael and Georgia roll a bit later, and while we are still chatting, Phil heads down to the river for some fishing. When I head out, I am not realizing yet how tired I am from the climb in the morning, my legs actually still feels fresh, but it’s a lot of up and down in the (boring) birch forest again! It’s very exhausting and it seems like my pack is getting heavier with each step. We take several breaks , but then decide to push on. I finally put on my headphones and listen to an audiobook which successfully distracts me from my monkey thoughts.
Once we get out of the forest, a wide valley with a river opens up and it feels like I am in a Hollywood movie where old man are fishing by a remote wild river. The last kilometer always seems to be the longest and it takes forever until the hut - nicely tucked away on a small plateau - comes into sight. Surprise! We would have it all for ourselves and have a big feast outside on the porch.
What a great end of a long exhausting day. 🙏